The use and abuse of blasphemy laws

Joelle Fiss   11 oct. 2018

My interview on ACB News Australia— explaining the danger of anti-blasphemy laws around the world. For example, you are in direct danger if you are a Copt in Egypt, Bahai’ or Kurd in Iran, Ahmadi in Indonesia, Christian in Pakistan or atheist in Bangladesh. Jews were also killed in Europe as a result of anti-blasphemy violence. I quote Raif Badawi, a Saudi liberal blogger who has been flogged on a public square and remains detained in jail… for writing. And my thoughts are also with Asia Bibi, a Christian who received a death sentence by hanging in 2010 for drinking water in the same cup as a Muslim, which was deemed “blasphemous”. She is awaiting her final appeal to Pakistan’s Supreme Court this week.


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